Sunday 3 June 2012

Why I love breastfeeding

If you are on the fence and you are thinking about breastfeeding but you haven't quite decide yet because you've heard some bad press about it, or you don't know anyone else who has breastfed, I thought I'd tell you why I love breastfeeding.

1.  It's FREE.

2.  I learnt all about breastfeeding at university and I learnt that it is very healthy for both Mum and baby, but I am now convinced after having two healthy children that never needed to see the Doctor for illness before th age of one.  In fact my son didn't vomit or have diarhoea for the first time until he was almost 3.

3.  It's sooooo convenient.  All you need when you walk out the door is a nappy, a couple of wipes and a babygrow which all fit nicely into the pocket of my Maya Wrap.  No bags and completely hands free too.

4.  We get quite a bit of sleep.  With my second we mastered lying down nursing in the hospital on the first night which meant that we've never really had nights when we've hardly slept (maybe once or twice with teeth).  I haven't once felt like a zombie this time around.

5.  It is the most adorable time when your baby is nursing and she/he looks up at you and smiles with a mouth full of boobie and milk, magical!

6.  It makes me sit down and take a breath (well that was before the android phone), now it's a time for tweeting.

7.  It is the answer to everything.  Breastfeeding has become the perfect parenting tool, it is the first trick I pull out of the bag and 99/100 is does the trick whether it be quench a thirst or calm after a fall.  It's also great on the aeroplane so their ears don't pop.

8.  I have met some amazing individuals through breastfeeding, at breastfeeding conferences, at breastfeeding support groups, at the hospital, and in the street.

9.  That first time that you touch your breast at the right time or the baby pulls off as soon as you let down and you squirt milk across the room (or the pub at an NCT coffee morning) and you now know that you have milk after spending twenty minutes hand expressing a few drops on the first day in the hospital and you're wondering if the baby is getting enough.  It's also a cool party trick.

10.  I love that breastfeeding has led my life on a completely different path.  I eat, sleep and breathe breastfeeding.  It nourishes my children, it pays the bills and it makes my life so rewarding to be able to share my experiences and knowledge with new Mums every day.

Tell me why you love breastfeeding or tell me what about breastfeeding has helped you decide to breastfeed your baby.

If you have enjoyed reading this article, then you may enjoy reading similar articles about breastfeeding by the following bloggers.
You may also want to visit the website of BigBookLittleBookCardboardBox, a great childrens bookcase that is not only good for the environment but is specifically designed to make it easier for children to choose the story they want to read, and can be decorated in any way imaginable. One such bookcase has been kindly offered as a prize in the main competition which you can enter below.

Thank you for reading.  Please complete the following Rafflecopter to enter the competition for the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Grand Prize.

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  1. I can do it in my sleep, I feel so much more rested and relaxed, and both me and my baby get more sleep :)

  2. More sleep is such a great benefit! who wants to actually get out of bed in the middle of the night??

  3. The convenience and always there element.

  4. THe bond that you have with your baby and convenience :)

  5. I absolutely love that my little milk monster loves it too. Love it when he looks at me with those big eyes and gives me a big grin which is meant for only me :)

  6. I love the health benefits for both little one and mummy but i have to say the special time you get together is amazing x

  7. No preparing and sterilising bottles
