The End of Breastfeeding
These are the posts from the Seventh day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding
2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read
them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Life With Baby Kicks - The Final Feed
Mum In A Nutshell - Moving On From Breastfeeding
Diary of an Unexpectant Mother - The One Where He Self Weaned
Sunshine Scribbles - The End Of Our Breastfeeding Journey
Milk Chic - Weaned....Just Like That!
Fit For Parenting - The End Of Our Breastfeeding Journey
Musings from A Northern Village - The End of our Breastfeeding Journey
Mummies Waiting - Cherishing that Last Feed
Adventures of a Novice Mum - When the Last Latch Comes - and discount on Lactation Cookies!
Odd Socks and Lollipops - The End of My Breastfeeding Journey
Milk and Mummy - Stopping Breastfeeding
My Thoughts On Things -The Finale
Just Motherhood - Extended Breastfeeding
A Baby On Board - Breastfeeding... Our Greatest Hits
Positive About Breastfeeding - End of Breastfeeding
Princess Poets Life Adventures - The End of My Breastfeeding Journey
Quite Frankly She Said - The Last Feed
Run Jump Scrap - The End of My Breastfeeding Journey
Dads Thoughts - Extended Breastfeeding
Renegade Feminist- Breastfeeding Aversion and More
Friday, 7 August 2015
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 - Day 6 Round-Up
The People Behind The Breastfeeder
These are the posts from the Sixth day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Life with Baby Kicks - My Husband is My Biggest Fan
Diary of an Unexpectant Mother - Paying It Forward... Breastfeeding Support
Fit for Parenting - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Musings From A Northern Village - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
My Mummy's World - The People Behind The Breastfeeder
Mummies Waiting - Being a SuperMum...Support Will Help Get You There
Monkey and Mouse Our Colourful Life - My Breastfeeding Cheerleaders
Adventures of a Novice Mum - My Husband and Breastfeeding
Odd Socks and Lollipops - My Breastfeeding Support Network
Milk and Mummy - My Breastfeeding Support Team
My Thoughts on Things - Positive about Breastfeeding...Backstage
Live Oxfordshire - Mum is the Loneliest Number, Why You Need Support
Run Jump Scrap - Thank You For Helping Me Breastfeed
A Baby On Board - Ten Tips For Breastfeeding Support
Mum Without Wheels - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Dads Thoughts - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Quite Frankly She Said - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Lycra Widow - It Takes a Village to Raise a Baby
Positive About Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding in England - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
These are the posts from the Sixth day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Life with Baby Kicks - My Husband is My Biggest Fan
Diary of an Unexpectant Mother - Paying It Forward... Breastfeeding Support
Fit for Parenting - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Musings From A Northern Village - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
My Mummy's World - The People Behind The Breastfeeder
Mummies Waiting - Being a SuperMum...Support Will Help Get You There
Monkey and Mouse Our Colourful Life - My Breastfeeding Cheerleaders
Adventures of a Novice Mum - My Husband and Breastfeeding
Odd Socks and Lollipops - My Breastfeeding Support Network
Milk and Mummy - My Breastfeeding Support Team
My Thoughts on Things - Positive about Breastfeeding...Backstage
Live Oxfordshire - Mum is the Loneliest Number, Why You Need Support
Run Jump Scrap - Thank You For Helping Me Breastfeed
A Baby On Board - Ten Tips For Breastfeeding Support
Mum Without Wheels - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Dads Thoughts - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Quite Frankly She Said - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
Lycra Widow - It Takes a Village to Raise a Baby
Positive About Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding in England - The People Behind the Breastfeeder
The People Behind The Breastfeeder
You never know where you will find your rock. You can find support in a number of different places, some unexpectant. I worked with a teen Mum in the States who breastfed under difficult circumstances. Her family were openly against it and she found the strength and support to continue from her Grandfather. I received unquestioning support from my Brother. We all hope that we will receive unwaivering support from those who love us the most, from those that we rely on for advice in the early days of having a baby, but as I was reminded yesterday it's not always guaranteed.
I happened to be at a breastfeeding support group yesterday (where else would I be during World Breastfeeding Week!) and a lady walked in with a bunch of flowers. How deeply honoured the recipient was to have been such an important person in that ladies life that she remembered her 12 months after having received help.
I don't think it's that family and friends or health professionals don't want to support the new mothers in their lives, I ust think that they have different agendas. A midwife has to see a certain number of families every day and in the hospital has a large number of rooms to visit multiple times a day and they have a list to complete for each one, a long list. When they visit at home they have another list of things to get through from child safety to weighing, to mums health to feeding. A family might be looking at the bigger picture or might just see that mum is struggling and try to help in the only way they think that they can.
A breastfeeding peer supporter or a breastfeeding specialist at a support group has only one agenda. That is the agenda of every single mother that walks through the door. They have the time to listen, to empathise, to give each mum the time to really work out what they want and develop a plan together to move forward if that is what they want. They don't have a checklist, they're not concerned with the immunization schedule or potty training, and they have the luxury of focussing on breastfeeding which is of course why that mum came in today.
They may not know it, but breastfeeding peer supporters and breastfeeding specialists make a huge difference to people's lives, both parents and children, and they are remembered for years to come.
Do you remember who helped you to breastfeed?
Kent Baby Matters
- is a website offering information about infant feeding services
across Kent. Just type in your postcode to find your nearest
breastfeeding group, breastfeeding specialist or even where to find a
pump. Find up to date information about becoming a trained
breastfeeding peer supporter and when training is happening in your
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I happened to be at a breastfeeding support group yesterday (where else would I be during World Breastfeeding Week!) and a lady walked in with a bunch of flowers. How deeply honoured the recipient was to have been such an important person in that ladies life that she remembered her 12 months after having received help.
I don't think it's that family and friends or health professionals don't want to support the new mothers in their lives, I ust think that they have different agendas. A midwife has to see a certain number of families every day and in the hospital has a large number of rooms to visit multiple times a day and they have a list to complete for each one, a long list. When they visit at home they have another list of things to get through from child safety to weighing, to mums health to feeding. A family might be looking at the bigger picture or might just see that mum is struggling and try to help in the only way they think that they can.
A breastfeeding peer supporter or a breastfeeding specialist at a support group has only one agenda. That is the agenda of every single mother that walks through the door. They have the time to listen, to empathise, to give each mum the time to really work out what they want and develop a plan together to move forward if that is what they want. They don't have a checklist, they're not concerned with the immunization schedule or potty training, and they have the luxury of focussing on breastfeeding which is of course why that mum came in today.
They may not know it, but breastfeeding peer supporters and breastfeeding specialists make a huge difference to people's lives, both parents and children, and they are remembered for years to come.
Do you remember who helped you to breastfeed?
the confidence to nurse outside of your house might not come as easily
to everyone and breastfeeding groups can be the perfect place. See
others breastfeeding, practice your technique and meet others in the
same position who might fancy a coffee or a meet up at the local park.
up to date with news about new breastfeeding groups, changes to groups
and details about upcoming peer support training follow them on Facebook .
Here are some links to other
bloggers and companies taking part in the Scavenger Hunt so that you keep
hunting –
Jade from Mummies
Waiting want to join in because I love to help people and use
my experiences to do that. I have been breastfeeding for over 2 years now and
tandem feeding my 2 year old and 6 month old since birth. We have faced many
difficulties, but none that we couldn't over come. I'm a breast feeding peer
supporter and love to get people overcoming their issues.
My Moo
and Woo is a family lifestyle blog written by a Midlands Mom of 2
girls. Blogging about extended breastfeeding, parenting, health and fitness and
everything in between.
Jarrett-Kerr is a writer, blogger and home educating mama to two
girls, living in Bristol with her husband and their daughters who are four
and one. She blogs about family life and positive parenting at Circus
Adventures of a Novice Mum is parenting and lifestyle blog from
a first time mum who is praying and blogging her way through motherhood. This
is where she documents her experiences and mu-m-sings from her mum tinted
spectacles on a range of issues in her life. She also shares her love of
photography and her blogging lessons, whilst encouraging positive and
constructive conversations about breastfeeding.
Fitforparenting is a fitness enthusiast and
Mum of 2 living in Cheshire, trying to be a fit parent not always successfully,
ranting about breastfeeding, raising kids, depression and feminism with the odd
glass of wine!
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 - Day 5 Round Up
Extended Breastfeeding
These are the posts from the Fifth day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Positive About Breastfeeding - Extended Breastfeeding..5 Things Not To Say To A Natural-Term Feeding Mama
Kohl Mama - A Journey Extended
Mum In A Nutshell - Still Breastfeeding?
Mush Brained Ramblings - How Long Is Long Enough?
Diary of An Unexpectant Mother - When Are You Going To Stop Breastfeeding?
Sunshine Scribbles - Extended Breastfeeding
Milk Chic - Breastfeeding a Toddler
Fit For Parenting - Extended Breastfeeding...The Bond Past Baby
Musings From a Northern Village - Extended Breastfeeding
Mummies Waiting - Breastfeeding a Two Year Old.....and her baby, minnie, goofy and left foot
Monkey and Mouse Our Colourful Life - 5 Signs of a Breastfed Toddler
Adventures of A Novice Mum - You Are Not Still Breastfeeding!
Odd Socks and Lollipops - Extended Breastfeeding
Milk and Mummy - Extended Breastfeeding
Another Bun - Why I Fed Beyond 1 Year
My Thoughts on Things - Beyond Babyhood
Renegade Feminist - Extended Breastfeeding
Live Oxfordshire - Extended Breastfeeding.... or Just Breastfeeding?
My Moo and You - Extended Breastfeeding
Quite Frankly She Said - Extended Breastfeeding
Lycra Widow - Yes He's Still On The Boob
My Little L - Extended Breastfeeding
These are the posts from the Fifth day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Positive About Breastfeeding - Extended Breastfeeding..5 Things Not To Say To A Natural-Term Feeding Mama
Kohl Mama - A Journey Extended
Mum In A Nutshell - Still Breastfeeding?
Mush Brained Ramblings - How Long Is Long Enough?
Diary of An Unexpectant Mother - When Are You Going To Stop Breastfeeding?
Sunshine Scribbles - Extended Breastfeeding
Milk Chic - Breastfeeding a Toddler
Fit For Parenting - Extended Breastfeeding...The Bond Past Baby
Musings From a Northern Village - Extended Breastfeeding
Mummies Waiting - Breastfeeding a Two Year Old.....and her baby, minnie, goofy and left foot
Monkey and Mouse Our Colourful Life - 5 Signs of a Breastfed Toddler
Adventures of A Novice Mum - You Are Not Still Breastfeeding!
Odd Socks and Lollipops - Extended Breastfeeding
Milk and Mummy - Extended Breastfeeding
Another Bun - Why I Fed Beyond 1 Year
My Thoughts on Things - Beyond Babyhood
Renegade Feminist - Extended Breastfeeding
Live Oxfordshire - Extended Breastfeeding.... or Just Breastfeeding?
My Moo and You - Extended Breastfeeding
Quite Frankly She Said - Extended Breastfeeding
Lycra Widow - Yes He's Still On The Boob
My Little L - Extended Breastfeeding
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 - Day 4 Round Up
Breastfeeding and Work
These are the posts from the Fourth day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding
2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read
them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Fit For Parenting - Work and Breastfeeding
Musings From a Northern Village - Work and Breastfeeding
Mummies Waiting - Leaving My Baby For Work
Adventures Of A Novice Mum - Breastfeeding AFter Maternity Leave: My Story & a Breastvest Competition
Odd Socks and Lollipops - Breastfeeding and Working
Quite Frankly She Said - Breastfeeding and Working
Milk and Mummy - Working and Breastfeeding
Positive About Breastfeeding - Working and Feeding
Breastfeeding In England - Top Tips for Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
Circus Queen - When It's Hard Getting Breastfeeding Started
Breastfeeding In England - Top Tips for Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
Circus Queen - When It's Hard Getting Breastfeeding Started
Top Tips for Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
I've had my own share of experience with working and breastfeeding. I've really only had positive experiences and I like to think that there is almost always a solution to a challenge. I've read some accounts of not so great experiences today, but I think back to women I have worked with in the past who inspired me every day. Women who worked at a petrol station overnight who couldn't leave their till, those who worked long shifts in retail for commission or those that worked in restaurants for tips who couldn't have someone else cover for them if they wanted to keep their tips. In all of these cases we worked together to find solutions so that they could continue their breastfeeding relationship while working.
I had my first baby in the United States where leave is limited to 12 weeks unpaid. I was lucky enough to have saved up enough leave so that I was paid during my leave and I started my time back as half days to ease me back in, but to be honest I enjoyed working and I was excited to get back. I can't imagine taking 12 months off and then trying to get back on track with my job and career. I also think it might have been easier for William to go to nursery at 12 weeks old as we never had any anxiety when I left him. I was also able to visit most lunchtimes to feed, so we spent a bunch of time together and had mummy/baby picnics every day.
The theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2015 is Work and Breastfeeding. Kent Baby Matters have put together some resources in this theme which will be displayed across Kent within Children's Centres. I'll share some of their local top tips with you today, but please go across to the Kent Baby Matters website to see more resources which can be downloaded for free. They've also linked to other websites if you want to find some resources to show your employer here.
Kent Baby Matters
- is a website offering information about infant feeding services
across Kent. Just type in your postcode to find your nearest
breastfeeding group, breastfeeding specialist or even where to find a
pump. Find up to date information about becoming a trained
breastfeeding peer supporter and when training is happening in your
Burble Baby - Have promised a £20 gift voucher
Thrupenny Bits - Have promised a Cute Cord in Blue Breastfeeding Pillow
Cherub Chews - Have promised a Beautiful Crochet & Wooden Bead Nursing Necklace with Reminder Bracelet
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I had my first baby in the United States where leave is limited to 12 weeks unpaid. I was lucky enough to have saved up enough leave so that I was paid during my leave and I started my time back as half days to ease me back in, but to be honest I enjoyed working and I was excited to get back. I can't imagine taking 12 months off and then trying to get back on track with my job and career. I also think it might have been easier for William to go to nursery at 12 weeks old as we never had any anxiety when I left him. I was also able to visit most lunchtimes to feed, so we spent a bunch of time together and had mummy/baby picnics every day.
The theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2015 is Work and Breastfeeding. Kent Baby Matters have put together some resources in this theme which will be displayed across Kent within Children's Centres. I'll share some of their local top tips with you today, but please go across to the Kent Baby Matters website to see more resources which can be downloaded for free. They've also linked to other websites if you want to find some resources to show your employer here.
This post is part of
the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt 2015. This year we are focusing on being
#PositiveAboutBF and I invite you to start the conversation if you are pregnant
or breastfeeding. Learn about the many
reasons there are to breastfeed for you, your baby and the planet and find out
where to find your local support before you have your baby.
There are many posts
to read all week long during World Breastfeeding Week 2015 and lots of
competitions to enter for some fabulous prizes.
If you’d like to be in with a chance at winning over £700 worth of
fabulous goodies from lots of breastfeeding friendly companies then please
enter the rafflecopter below. You’ll
need to read at least 10 posts and enter all of the attached rafflecopters to
be entered into the draw but that won’t be hard when we have so many amazing
bloggers writing some amazing posts this year.
Wherever you see the
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 logo you will have the opportunity to enter so
keep a lookout!
We are highlighting
a couple of amazing organisations throughout the week because of the amazing
work they are doing in the World of breastfeeding.
the confidence to nurse outside of your house might not come as easily
to everyone and breastfeeding groups can be the perfect place. See
others breastfeeding, practice your technique and meet others in the
same position who might fancy a coffee or a meet up at the local park.
up to date with news about new breastfeeding groups, changes to groups
and details about upcoming peer support training follow them on Facebook .
Here are some links to other
bloggers and companies taking part in the Scavenger Hunt so that you keep
hunting –
Jump Scrap is a parenting blog which documents my musings as I
bumble through mummihood frantically trying to get my fitness and scrapbooking
hits where I can. I loved breastfeeding my daughter and want it to be seen in
more of a positive light and not something to be feared or for people to feel
guilty if they either succeed or struggle.
Mum Without Wheels - a first time mum who
exclusively babywears a cloth bum baby! I'm passionate about the
"alternative" parenting choices I've made and aim to spread the
knowledge and dispel myths!
the journey of a new mum living in Edinburgh blogging through the marvellous
and mundane.
Feminist is a blog exploring feminist issues through a gentle
parenting lens and vice versa, when not diverting into politics, or
homeschooling or something else entirely.
and Mouse is the parenting and
lifestyle blog of a Scottish mummy of 2 living amongst the hills, writing about
their family adventures, kids crafts, baking and attachment parenting.
Burble Baby - Have promised a £20 gift voucher
Thrupenny Bits - Have promised a Cute Cord in Blue Breastfeeding Pillow

Cherub Chews - Have promised a Beautiful Crochet & Wooden Bead Nursing Necklace with Reminder Bracelet
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, 3 August 2015
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 - Day 3 Round-up
How To Dress To Impress!
These are the posts from the first day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Life With Baby Kicks - Breastfeeding Fashion Tips from a Rubbish Fashionista
Mum Without Wheels - How To Dress To Impress
Can I Breastfeeding In It? - How Do You Breastfeeding In It?
Another Bun - Dress To Impress
Adventures of A Novice Mum - What to Wear to Breastfeed
Milk Chic - What To Wear When You Are Breastfeeding
Family Fever - Dress to Impress
Odd Socks and Lollipops - What To Wear?
Lycra Widow - Mama Fashionista
Milk and Mummy - Breastfeeding in Style
Fit For Parenting - How to Dress to Impress
Musings From A Northern Village - Day 3 Dress To Impress
Mummies Waiting - Just Breastfeed Naked and Be Done With It I HATE SHOPPING!
My Thoughts on Things - Looking Good
Positive About Breastfeeding - Dress To Impress
Unique and Chic - Wardrobe Essentials for the Breastfeeding Mum
Mum In A Nutshell - A Must Have Breastfeeding Accessory...The Breastvest (Win a Breastvest nursing vest)
Competitions and Discount Codes
Win a Breastvest nursing vest with Mum in A Nutshell
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 - Day 2 Round Up
Positive Breastfeeding in Public
These are the posts from the second day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Life With Baby Kicks - Public Breastfeeding in Dubai
Another Bun - Why Breastfeeding in Public is Awesome
Fit For Parenting - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Musings from a Northern Village - Positive Public Breastfeeding
My Mummy's World - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Hannah Spannah Coco Banana - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Run Jump Scrap - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Mummies Waiting - Dear Breastfeeding Mum........I'm Sorry!
Monkey and Mouse, our Colourful House - Breastfeeding is for Wherever, Whenever
Quite Frankly She Said - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Mum Without Wheels - Positive Public Breastfeeding
We Are Team Walsh - One Day I Will Breastfeed in Public
Visit From The Stork - Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2015 from VFTS
My Thoughts on Things - Positive About Breastfeeding - Out and About
Adventures of a Novice Mum - Finding Confidence to Breastfeed in Public
Milk & Mummy - Positive Public Breastfeeding
PositiveAboutBF - Positive Public Feeding
Dad Thoughts - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Odd Socks and Lollipops - Breastfeeding in Public...My Experiences
Breastfeeding in England - Big Latch On 2015...Nursing in Public
These are the posts from the second day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
Life With Baby Kicks - Public Breastfeeding in Dubai
Another Bun - Why Breastfeeding in Public is Awesome
Fit For Parenting - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Musings from a Northern Village - Positive Public Breastfeeding
My Mummy's World - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Hannah Spannah Coco Banana - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Run Jump Scrap - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Mummies Waiting - Dear Breastfeeding Mum........I'm Sorry!
Monkey and Mouse, our Colourful House - Breastfeeding is for Wherever, Whenever
Quite Frankly She Said - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Mum Without Wheels - Positive Public Breastfeeding
We Are Team Walsh - One Day I Will Breastfeed in Public
Visit From The Stork - Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2015 from VFTS
My Thoughts on Things - Positive About Breastfeeding - Out and About
Adventures of a Novice Mum - Finding Confidence to Breastfeed in Public
Milk & Mummy - Positive Public Breastfeeding
PositiveAboutBF - Positive Public Feeding
Dad Thoughts - Positive Public Breastfeeding
Odd Socks and Lollipops - Breastfeeding in Public...My Experiences
Breastfeeding in England - Big Latch On 2015...Nursing in Public
Big Latch On 2015 - Nursing in Public
Todays theme for the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt is positive public breastfeeding.
I've only ever had positive experiences of breastfeeding in public. Sometimes my family members were a bit worried about it. My Mum seems to think that the sight of skin will give an older person a heart attack. So, I thought that I would just post some pictures from this weekends events and any pictures that I could find of myself nursing in public.
Big Latch On 2015 - Maidstone
Big Latch On 2015 - Sevenoaks
Big Latch On 2015 - Folkestone
Big Latch On 2015 - Canterbury
Fellow Kent Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Bex tandom feeding at Big Latch On 2015 Maidstone
Ellie and Me at Big Latch On 2015 Sevenoaks
Kent Baby Matters - is a website offering information about infant feeding services across Kent. Just type in your postcode to find your nearest breastfeeding group, breastfeeding specialist or even where to find a pump. Find up to date information about becoming a trained breastfeeding peer supporter and when training is happening in your area.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I've only ever had positive experiences of breastfeeding in public. Sometimes my family members were a bit worried about it. My Mum seems to think that the sight of skin will give an older person a heart attack. So, I thought that I would just post some pictures from this weekends events and any pictures that I could find of myself nursing in public.
Big Latch On 2015
Big Latch On 2015 - Maidstone
Big Latch On 2015 - Sevenoaks
Big Latch On 2015 - Folkestone
Big Latch On 2015 - Canterbury
Fellow Kent Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Bex tandom feeding at Big Latch On 2015 Maidstone
Ellie and Me at Big Latch On 2015 Sevenoaks
This post is part of
the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt 2015. This year we are focusing on being
#PositiveAboutBF and I invite you to start the conversation if you are pregnant
or breastfeeding. Learn about the many
reasons there are to breastfeed for you, your baby and the planet and find out
where to find your local support before you have your baby.
There are many posts
to read all week long during World Breastfeeding Week 2015 and lots of
competitions to enter for some fabulous prizes.
If you’d like to be in with a chance at winning over £700 worth of
fabulous goodies from lots of breastfeeding friendly companies then please
enter the rafflecopter below. You’ll
need to read at least 10 posts and enter all of the attached rafflecopters to
be entered into the draw but that won’t be hard when we have so many amazing
bloggers writing some amazing posts this year.
Wherever you see the
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 logo you will have the opportunity to enter so
keep a lookout!
We are highlighting
a couple of amazing organisations throughout the week because of the amazing
work they are doing in the World of breastfeeding.
Kent Baby Matters - is a website offering information about infant feeding services across Kent. Just type in your postcode to find your nearest breastfeeding group, breastfeeding specialist or even where to find a pump. Find up to date information about becoming a trained breastfeeding peer supporter and when training is happening in your area.
Gaining the confidence to nurse outside of your house might not come as easily to everyone and breastfeeding groups can be the perfect place. See others breastfeeding, practice your technique and meet others in the same position who might fancy a coffee or a meet up at the local park.
Stay up to date with news about new breastfeeding groups, changes to groups and details about upcoming peer support training follow them on Facebook .
Here are some links to other
bloggers and companies taking part in the Scavenger Hunt so that you keep
hunting –
Another Bun is a mama, blogger, breastfeeding peer supporter,
book reader and avid tea drinker. She shares her parenting journey with two
under 3 here
Can I Breastfeed In It? UK is the voice of the
popular Facebook group of the
same name, giving the wardrobes of breastfeeding women a new lease of
Motherhood is a blog from the perspective of an ever grateful mum of
two. It is where life's everyday magic is captured. A place where ordinary life
is appreciated and memories are treasured.
Mama is a blog highlighting the beauty in gentle parenting from
sunny North East England. Passionate about normalising the continuation of a
healthy breastfeeding relationship in a place where breastfeeding rates are one
of the lowest in the country.
Mummys World is a parenting and lifestyle blog, brought from a
single mama in the Midlands, sharing our adventures.
Booby & The Beads - have promised a custom nursing necklace
Patricia Feuchter Forever - has promised a selection of Aloe products
Kids Bee Happy by Katy - has promised a set of sand art
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015 - Day 1 Round Up
The Start of My Breastfeeding Journey
These are the posts from the first day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
These are the posts from the first day of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2015. Each post will share a link to the next post so you can read them all. Don't forget to enter the rafflecopters as you go.
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