Sunday 23 June 2013

Keep Britain Breastfeeding 2013 Day 1 Round-up 23/06/13

Here are todays amazing posts about the Benefits of breastfeeding and any compeitions that are currently going on enjoy a lovely bit of late night reading tonight -

A Butterfly Baby Safe Nursing Necklace from Monkey Mama Necklaces -

Life with Pink Princesses - Breastfeeding Benefits and win a Breastvest feeding vest

Simply Hayley - Breastfeeding Has Benefits! 

Mixed Bag of All SOrts - What I Love about Breastfeeding

In the Playroom - The Benefits of Breastfeeding

In the Playroom - Breastvest Giveaway

The Brick Castle - Day1 of Keep Britain Breastfeeding - Win a Lactivist T-Shirt 

Oh So Amelia - A Round-up of her competitions during the week to come 

Oh So Amelia - Win Plushy Moon Nursing Pillows from Theraline UK

MamaScarf - Reasons to Breastfeed (no comp entry)

Faded Seaside Mama - Benefits of Breastfeeding

Natural Mamas - Making the Breast Memories

My Thoughts on Things - Why I continue to Breastfeed

Let's Walk Together For a While - Wow, it is this time of the year again!

Respectable Breast Spectable - The Benefits of Breastfeeding - A Ditty

The Kermit Movement - Breastfeeding Awareness Week

Breastfeeding In England - The Benefits of Breastfeeding and Bed Sharing

Life, Love and Living with Boys - The Benefits of Breastfeeding - A Dads Perspective

Life, Love and Living with Boys - Theraline Nursing Pillow Giveaway

Mummies Waiting - Benefits of Breastfeeding

Life with Pink Princesses - Benefits of Breastfeeding with a BreastVest Giveaway

Breastfeeding Yummy Mummies on Facebook are having Giveaways all week so ask to join the group to join in on all the fun 

Mummy is a Gadget Geek - Milking It - Getting the Most from Breastfeeding

Mama Geek - Breastfeeding Benefits Mum Too! 

Breast 4 Babies - Breastfeeding Benefits

HexMum - Breastfeeding Benefits

Diary of a First Child - Breastfeeding Week Mega Competitions! from Breast Milk Keepsakes, BoobieMilk, Theraline, Cantaloop and Mama Jewels

Lactivist Facebook Page Rafflecopter Entry 

Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt 2013 Facebook Page Rafflecopter Entry

Thrupenny Bits Facebook Page Rafflecopter Entry 




  1. and me!

  2. me too!
    I was a late starter, only asking about joining after the kids went to bed tonight, but already so excited by it all.

    Tomorrows post ready to go as well :D
    and Tuesdays half written :P
